
To me, it goes without saying that all enquiries and projects must, and will, be treated in the strictest confidence.

In my capacity as the translator I will not make copies in addition to those required in the normal conduct of business and copies will be for internal use only. I will only retain such copies as are required for professional indemnity insurance.

I will ensure that any third parties (typists, checkers, proofreaders, etc.) that I employ to work on a project are informed of the need for confidentiality. If I need to consult with colleagues about problems of terminology and other linguistic matters, I will ensure in all cases that there is no disclosure of confidential material.

As a translator I am bound by the Codes of Professional Conduct of the Chartered Institute of Linguists and ITI, which require me, as the translator, to treat all work entrusted to me in complete confidentiality. In accordance with the requirements of these Codes, I will not make direct contact with my client’s clients without my client’s express permission.